Home Medicines Review (HMR)
The Home Medicines Review (HMR) process usually begins with a general practitioner (GP) identifying and assessing potential individuals who would benefit from a medication review.
Community pharmacies can also play an integral role in identifying potential recipients of this service by sending a referral to a consumer’s GP.
Some examples of those who are eligible for a Home Medicines Review include, but not limited to patients:
· Currently taking five or more regular medications
· Taking more than 12 doses of medicine per day
· With significant changes in their medication regimen in the last three months
· Recently discharged from hospital
· Taking narrow therapeutic index medicines
· With suspected adverse drug reaction
· Who have problems managing medications due to literacy or language difficulties, or impaired sight.
Once informed consent is obtained by the GP from the patient, a referral is produced and sent to the individual’s preferred community pharmacy.
An accredited pharmacist must complete the clinical assessment and write the report. A community pharmacist may complete the interview process and provide the information gathered to an accredited pharmacist under special circumstances with prior approval from the Department of Health and Ageing.
A Home Medicines Review interview provides an invaluable opportunity to provide education, counselling and support to an individual regarding their medication regimen. Problems are often identified such as expired medications, inappropriate storage, multiple prescribers, and self-administered complementary and other-the-counter medicines of which the GP would otherwise be unaware.
The pharmacists at The Medicines Review Company pride themselves on their professionalism and training in providing a medication review interview that combines comprehensive information gathering, counselling and identification of potential medication-related problems. We are, after all, representing YOU.
Follow these simple steps when you receive a Home Medicines Review (HMR) referral
Step 1: Make sure your pharmacy is registered with the Pharmacy Programs Administrator under the 6CPA programs to provide HMR services. This is vital if you want to claim payment. Click here to go to the 6CPA registration page.
Step 2: Register your details with us (if you haven't already) by filling in the form here.
Step 3: Fax/post/email the HMR referral from the GP to us:
Fax: 1300 780 093
Post: PO BOX 180,
Drummoyne, NSW 1470
Step 4: We will then proceed with the HMR interview* and report writing process. A copy of the completed report will be sent to you and the patient's GP.
Step 5: You will need to issue a tax invoice for to us for your commission.
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